Amanda Bossard net worth

n 1992 just out of high school, Amanda Bossard started her education in marine biology at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage,AK. Bossard got her start in the commercial seafood industry in the year 1999. At the time she worked as a fisherman on Murat Aritan's 65-foot halibut vessel, later transformed into a fishing tender. Bossard is now is married to Aritan and they have come together to prove their rights to the industry. They are both in favor of conservative and profitable management of renewable seafood resources. Otolith, a wholesale direct seafood company, was established in 2007 by Bella Bossard (age 3), Andre Bossard (1 year old) and Bossard's mother. Bossard had returned to Philadelphia after having two young children. In 2007, Bossard, mother to two kids Bella aged 3 and Andre 1. She returned to Philadelphia from her native Canada, launched Otolith as a direct market wholesale seafood distributor. Bossard's children Isabella, age 12, and son Andre, age 10, return annually for a visit to Southeast Alaska to work in the deckhand role throughout the salmon wild season. In the course of two months, Bossard, along with her daughter Isabella use hooks & lines to hunt for the salmon they want to catch. Aritan will then sell their seafood for processing locally. Amanda Bossard, Anchor/MMJ of News 12 Brooklyn and News 12 Bronx has been working with these stations since November, 2015. She's passionate about telling the stories of the people and places she is a part of.

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